bee's knees


Project Code Name: The Ultimate Adventure

About six months ago, we began a pretty exciting adventure.

Not a physical, hiking down a trail adventure, but more of a “growthventure”, geared towards bringing our mixes into the hands of our target users - YOU!

After months and months of paperwork, hustling, more paperwork, regulations, red tape, new labels, hardship, laughter, even more paperwork, and copious amounts of cocktails…we are proud to announce the “BIG THING” we’ve been alluding to in so many of our social media posts.

So here it goes…drum roll please


Leisuremann’s Cocktail Mixes are now part of the REI Co-Op!!!

Hooray! - Cheers! - Applause! - Bravo!

Someone said “Speech” - Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far. We appreciate each and everyone of you and hope you keep drinking cocktails with us for years to come.

Back @ it.

You may be asking yourself now, “As a loyal patron of Leisuremann’s, what does this actually mean?”

Outstanding question.

For starters, effective today, you can order our mixes directly from, allowing you to reap the benefits of their awesome dividend program and members coupon codes from every jar purchased.


Secondly and probably most important, our mixes will be in an REI store near you. Seriously, you can actually buy a jar of Leisuremann’s Cocktail Mix at an REI brick and mortar location. Wow, right?!

Forecasted to be in the major flagship locations (Denver, Seattle, Washington D.C., Bloomington, & SoHo) starting 10/15 through the end of 2018, we are excited to see what adventures you take with a jar of our mix. By purchasing from your local REI or REI Co-Op online you don’t just support local businesses, you also support outdoor adventure culture.


If you don’t live near one of the flagship stores, no worries, simply go to your local REI and request our mixes for your location. This is a simple way to help REI know what you guys are into, want, and would like to see on the shelves.

If you do live by a flagship location, stop in, buy a jar or four, take some selfies, and post those bad boys to social media, showing the world how much you love cocktails!

Lastly, give us a review on - find your favorite flavor and tell the other adventurers out there why you love a good Leisuremann’s cocktail.

Overall, getting our mixes into your hands so you can use it for your next trip, adventure, tailgate, backyard party, or just a Netflix and chill night, is and will always be our #1 priority.

So…pretty big news right?

Cheers // Cliff

'Twas the Night before Cocktailmas


'Twas the night before Cocktailmas, and all through the house;

Not a cocktail was mixed not even an ounce;

The bottles were placed by the chimney with care

In hopes that St. Cocktailmas soon would be there,


The kiddos were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of presents danced in their heads;

Ma in her PJs and I in my cap,

Had just settled in for a sober winter's nightcap,


When down in the den there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the stairs I flew in a flash

Throwing on my robe and combing out my stash


The moon shown bright on newly fallen snow,

Gave the luster of midnight to objects below

When, what to my eyes should magically appear,

But a tipsy old man, drunk, smiling from ear to ear


With glee in his laugh so lively with class

I knew in that moment it must be St. Cocktailmas.


He spoke not words but went straight to his work.

Mixing, testing, tasting, till he turned with a jerk

Extending his hand in front of his face

He gave me a thumbs up and skedaddled my place


Stumbling to his sleigh, to his team he gave cheer

And away they flew, far from near


But I heard him exclaim, as he rode out of sight,



Flavor 3 | The Bee's Knees

Flavor 3 | The Bee's Knees

Bee's Knees?!?

Yea, you know that classic gin cocktail you have probably never had?

Time you two meet.